Sunday, January 5, 2014


Let me begin by saying welcome to Rambo's Ramblings- a blog that I fully intend to be as crazy and disorganized as my life is!

If you know who Rambo is- congratulations, you are an important figure in my life and have had the pleasure of my company :) If not, no worries! I hope through this blog you will meet the true Rambo.

I've always admired down-to-earth people who can act the same way no matter where they go or who they're surrounded by.
Sadly, I don't have this attribute.
I'm either Miranda, the girl that is shy and socially awkward. Miranda, the nerd girl who was valedictorian, in the band, competing in FFA competitions left and right. Or I'm Miranda, the nice girl- or the one that was best dressed in High School (holla!)

But every now and then, my best persona comes out to shine- her name is Rambo.

Rambo is my nickname around my family and friends. When I was a baby, my cousin, Trip, couldn't pronounce my name, so he called me Rambo instead (it was around the time that those movies were a big deal). And it just kinda stuck.

Rambo is the girl that is simply crazy. She's random, she thinks she's hilarious, she's a bit of a smart butt, she's a completely different person from the average Miranda Fugate. 

The first resolution I made for myself for this year of 2014 was to start a blog and stick to it! 
When I thought of the name "Rambo's Ramblings" I knew there was no turning back. 
I hope that through this blog, you can get to know me better, can be entertained, and perhaps even learn a few things. 

I realize that many blogs are thoroughly organized- they're either about daily life, fashion, beauty, recipes, family, etc…
But here's my disclaimer: I have no intention of organizing my blog like so. As I said before, Rambo is random and I don't want to hinder that part of my true personality.

Through this blog I will share my fashion, meals, traveling experiences, and so much more!

Thanks for following, and Happy New Year! :)

(New Years Eve in New York City)

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