Saturday, January 25, 2014

Weekly Marvelings

I'm not promising to post such a post as this every week.

But just to explain, "Weekly Marvelings" will be posts in which I marvel over a select few wonderful things I noticed in my week that I just couldn't go without sharing.

1) Young Oceans

What an awesome group!
I just happened to stumble upon this band while listening to a Christian radio station on Spotify. (FYI Spotify is an awesome source if you're looking for some new music in your library/playlists)
I fell in love with this music.
I would describe them as a Christian version of the XX. Very indie/electronic/chill.
My personal favorite track is, "Great Is Our God."

2) Laura Hackett

Along the same line, Laura Hackett is another wonderful Christian artist I've discovered this week.
I actually was able to see her preform live tonight!
Singing "Joyful, Joyful" with hundreds of other brothers and sisters was such an amazing experience.
I've got the joy.

3) State Road 121

Most would think being a commuter approximately 30 miles from campus is a hassle.
Heck, even I think that most of the time.
But this week, I realized just how blessed I am to spend an hour each day soaking in the immense beauty of God's creation.
This road is absolutely gorgeous.

4) Java the Nut

Most addicting drink I've ever consumed in my entire life.
Pure deliciousness.
First of all, the name's awesome and I feel hardcore every time I order it.
I love places like this and Moe's that have silly names for items on the menu. It makes life fun!

Anyways, an awesome combo of coffee, cocoa, bananas, peanut butter, and froyo…
No further explanation necessary.

5) Burrito Salad

This one's for you Willistonians.

Have you been to Yum Yum Kitchen?
If your answer is no, WHY NOT?

Just go. Trust me.
It's in Blitchton right by United Hay.
And it's dee-lish.

The other day, I got creative and asked for their burrito contents in a bowl, minus the rice, atop a bed of lettuce.

There I go with my When Harry Met Sally moment again.

What can I say, Sally and I just know how to make something good taste even better.

But seriously, go try this! It is superb.

So there's my marvelings for the week.
I see so many bloggers blog each weekend about things they want and like online.
But I think it's important for us to look back on our week and be grateful for the blessings that we receive in real life and sometimes fail to acknowledge.
Even if it is a good song, tasty salad, or smoothie.

I challenge you to go about this week noticing the little things in life that give you joy and be grateful for them.

God Bless!

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