Sunday, May 11, 2014

Why I Love My Mom

Ten years ago, I was a short, harry potter-glassed, long-haired fourth grade student. 

Ten years ago, I broke my mother's heart when I hopped into her vehicle and told her I had just wrote about my favorite person for the Florida Writes. I told her I wrote about my Dad. 

I can still see her face drop.

Ten years later, way overdue, I'm trying to make up for that. 

Here are ten things I love about my Mother:

1) She loves with all her heart. 
Our family is kind of like the Brady Bunch-- a "yours, mine, and ours" type of thing; but my Mom loves us all as her own. She would do anything to make sure that any one of us are happy. 
One of my favorite memories is when I was crying my eyes out in middle school over a boy. All her soothing words just weren't curing my heartache. But then she promised me that if I wanted to marry that same boy in 10 years, she would flat out pay him to marry me! Now that's love.

2) She is the Hostess with the Mostest
My mom can throw a party like it's nobody's business. We have a whole hallway in our house dedicated to fine china and tablecloths for such occasions. 
Anytime somebody around town announces an engagement or bun in the oven, she can soon be spotted plotting together a party with other girlfriends. 
I secretly love to watch my mom prepare for such things. It's a huge trip to Sam's Club, cleaning the house days ahead of time, a little bit of stress and a dash of yankee candles… And perhaps a few tears. But by the time the event comes around, she only wears the most beautiful smile you've seen.

3) Her Humility

Mom is truly one of the most humble people you will meet. It's a huge contributor to her great personality. In a family full of pride and arrogance, she is the meek and mild angel. She is tender and warm and never proud although she has so many reasons to be-- (especially regarding #4)

4) She is the best cook in town (Williston AND Cedar Key)
Yes, I know. Every child prefers their mother's cooking. THIS IS NOT A BIASED BULLET POINT-- MY MOM LITERALLY COOK'S THE BEST. 
Cooking is my mom's passion. Okay--scratch that. Hospitality is my Mom's passion but the best way she shows it is through her cooking!
Everyone love's Janice's cooking; they just do.
One of my favorite things is when one of us asks her what she thinks is in a particular dish at a restaurant. She'll take a little taste sit there and ponder for a moment, and then name off every ingredient, spice, and how she thinks they prepared it. It's awesome.

5) She was never one of "those moms"
Thank God for my Mom, really.
My mom never made me be in a pageant.
She never encouraged me into cheerleading.
She never pushed me into having a boyfriend.

And in earlier years,
She never restricted me from soda or junk food
… and that's important to me :) haha

6) She is my Dad's partner in life
My mom loves my [sometimes difficult] Dad-- and that's important. She works with him, and a lot of her energy is put into my Dad's firm.
She is a good wife. And even though I find it silly, when I come home, I often find her worrying about having some dinner ready for him when he's done with work.
Just the other night, she expressed to me how she never really wants to be anywhere without my Dad. That's just beautiful to me. 

7) She is an awesome "Mam"
I love seeing my parents with their grandkids. 
Mom loves to spoil them whenever she has the chance. I love when Easter comes around and she prepares the baskets for them. She goes ALL OUT.

Just the other day my nephew Ford was staying the night with us and all he wanted when his parents were around was a silly bag of chips.
Needless to say, once they left, Ford ate chips for dinner and breakfast the next morning :)

8) Her skin
Okay, yeah-- that title was awkward. But Mom's face is honestly flawless. This was a very superficial bullet point, but I think a middle aged woman without wrinkles deserves a serious applause. 

9) She is a tomboy at heart
I love that my mom can pull off this fancy attorney's wife facade, but really, she would rather be fishing!
I never inherited that gene from her, but I've always admired it. She is passionate about a simple life on the water. So much so that she wants to be cremated and have her ashes spread across the Gulf of Mexico… And we had a whole family discussion about it 2 weeks ago. :)

10) She is MINE
I was lucky enough to be the accident child of a beautiful marriage. I am so thankful to be the daughter of such an inspirational woman.
She has helped mold me into the young woman I am today and for that I am eternally grateful.
Imagine-- without her influence I'd just be a miniature Norm Fugate ;)

I love you, Mom-- Happy Mother's Day!